
Low Cost Spay & Neuter
Low Cost Spay & Neuter
Low Cost Spay & Neuter
The City of El Paso Animal Services, a division of the Environmental Services Department (ESD), is proud to announce a new summer spay/neuter voucher program available for low income residents who have pets.
Black Cats Are In Danger On Halloween
Black Cats Are In Danger On Halloween
Black Cats Are In Danger On Halloween
Cats can be jerks but they are loving animals, when they get what they want. For years, people have used Halloween as an excuse to kill black cats for sacrifices, superstitions and even just for fun. There is an actual history behind this cat killing madness.
I iz Stucks
I iz Stucks
I iz Stucks
Cats are funny little creatures. Some like dressing up in reindeer antlers while others bask in the grumpy glory of fame. It doesn't matter what kind of feline we come across-- we're always big fans of the furballs. However, there is one type of kitty that tops our list of favorites: the kind that gets stuck in things.

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