Valentine's Day is in a few days, which means school parties for the kiddos! I always try to bring an extra special treat for my son's class and this year, I found something that is super easy and cute.
Since New Year's celebrations are not far, I thought I would find some yummy and different recipes that call for the festive drink! Some good ole champagne!
Christmas is great - decorating the tree, putting lights on the house, drinking hot chocolate while watching Linus explain the reason for the season to us. Unfortunately, it is also filled with recipes that require Iron Chef skills and Martha Stewart's farm to make. But I have you covered with 3 recipes that will make your house smell amazing, and give you a break from the traditional turkey and
It's Tuesday evening and your husband comes home and tells you that he invited some of his buddies over for dinner. HOLY MOLY! While you scramble to throw something together you're going to need an appetizer to hold these hungry dudes over...
Yep, just 2 ingredients! And one of those ingredients doesn’t include a cake mix box like some of those other “2 Ingredient” recipes.