"The Osbournes" was a groundbreaking series that paved the way for future reality shows featuring rock stars and musicians. Coming after "The Osbournes" was a slew of many more rock reality shows, many of which have been forgotten.
Abby Lee Miller, star of Abby’s Ultimate Dance Competition, Abby’s Studio Rescue, and Dance Moms will be coming to El Paso to scout for the next Dance Mom to join season 9 of Lifetime’s hit reality TV show “Dance Moms.”
Real Housewives of Atlanta (RHOA) star, Cynthia Bailey, is making an appearance in the borderland, and fans of Bailey or the show have a chance to meet and hang out with the reality TV star.
The cast of MTV's reality TV show, Jersey Shore, is in town and El Pasoans were quick to show off their photoshop skills with fake Jersey Shore cast sightings.
There is a little, tiny, glimmer of hope in the sad story of Lamar Odom. Lamar has been in critical condition since he was found earlier this week unconscious in a Nevada brothel.
It’s rare when I come across a video online that genuinely surprises me. The funny thing is that from the title, I more or less knew what to expect and I STILL was left speechless.
This Friday night, we are going to be partying like it's 1988 - I know it's supposed to be 1999, but we celebrating the '80s, not the '90s! It's The Danger Zone - That '80s Party happening at the Holiday Inn Airport, and a classic '80s actress is making a comeback on a classic reality tv show!
Most of us watch reality tv to some extent and it's easy to move on once a show has wrapped up its season and never look back on that particular cast. Here's a list of some people who were able to use their initial break in reality tv as a stepping stone to bigger and better things...