Birthday girl, Jessica Simpson, is a new mom, and a business mogul, and it's safe to say she hasn't been celebrated for her smarts, something I think is a true injustice....
MARIAH BABY MANIA: 1.) A couple of weeks ago we reported how MARIAH CAREY had referred to her unborn child as ‘they’ in a radio interview while talking about how she sings tracks from her new Christmas C.D to her baby bump ... and it turns out it WAS a slip after all: Mariah IS having twins.
BREAKING NEWS! BRAD AND ANGELINA GETTING MARRIED!!!: Are BRAD PITT and ANGELINA JOLIE getting married next year??? They are, according to the UK website "ThisisLondon".
THE MOM OF MADONNA'S NEW BOY TOY NOT DOWN WITH HER: We heard recently that MADONNA was dating a French model-slash-dancer named Brahim Zaibat. He's 24 years old. Madonna is 52. That's a difference of 28 years. But here's an even more impressive number