5 BETTER FOODS To Feed Monkeys At The El Paso Zoo5 BETTER FOODS To Feed Monkeys At The El Paso ZooLuz "Lucy" Rae has shown the community how much monkeys at the El Paso Zoo love whatever f*@#ing food we give them.NicoNico
Is the Hot Cheetos & Cheese Snack Still Trendy in the Borderland?Is the Hot Cheetos & Cheese Snack Still Trendy in the Borderland?We all remember trying new foods for the first time that have remained a favorite.Veronica GonzalezVeronica Gonzalez
Flamin’ Hot Mountain Dew is a Thing- Here’s Why I Would Definitely Drink ItFlamin’ Hot Mountain Dew is a Thing- Here’s Why I Would Definitely Drink ItI'm making a confession and I would like no judgement from you! Joanna BarbaJoanna Barba