Imagine looking at your child’s school work and seeing the drawing of a penis on it.
Now imagine finding out that a teacher was the artist.
Check out the image, which is not safe for work.
Generations of El Paso students are mourning the loss of El Paso coach, Bobby Lesley. Lesley was found dead in his eastside apartment earlier this week. Lesley was 74.
The whole city is getting ready to watch the Canutillo High School Eagles take on Ennis in the Texas football playoffs tomorrow night. Yesterday, some Eastwood High School students decided to show their support for the team with a really classy move.
The dress code, and assistant principal, of Coronado High School are under fire today by a mother who says her daughter was 'slut shamed' for an outfit she wore to school earlier this week.
High school is a tough time - ever seen 'Mean Girls'? Yeah, kids can be really awful sometimes. But if you think there's no such thing as a good kid, think again, because at a Tuesday night basketball game between two El Paso high school rivals, there were hundreds of good kids rooting for just one special student! Get out the box of Kleenex!