Walmart Worker Goes Viral on TikTok Over Cost of WhataburgerWalmart Worker Goes Viral on TikTok Over Cost of WhataburgerThe dire conditions for minimum wage earners are reflected in a viral TikTok from popular TikTok contributor Ray (@.ray_mtz03).Crash KelleyCrash Kelley
When Are El Paso Area School Districts Spring Breaks This Year?When Are El Paso Area School Districts Spring Breaks This Year?Last year we had the neverending COVID-19 Spring Break. This year, things will be different but kind of the same.TriciaTricia
EPPD Says They Are Gearing Up For Spring Break Drunk DriversEPPD Says They Are Gearing Up For Spring Break Drunk DriversA DUI could run you as much as $10,000 in tickets, legal fees, lost work time, and increased car insurance rates, so party responsibly or don't party at all.TriciaTricia