american flag

Is Burning The American Flag A Way To Respectfully Dispose Of It?
Is Burning The American Flag A Way To Respectfully Dispose Of It?
Is Burning The American Flag A Way To Respectfully Dispose Of It?
It's Flag Day and if you want to swap out a tattered or worn American flag, there are several ways to dispose of it properly. Is one of the respectful ways to dispose of the stars and stripes burning it? The answer is yes but there are rules you will need to follow.
Should American Athlete Have Carried The Mexican Flag?
Should American Athlete Have Carried The Mexican Flag?
Should American Athlete Have Carried The Mexican Flag?
An American athlete whose parents left Mexico when he was four years old, is catching a lot of heat for carrying the Mexican flag during his victory lap at the Olympics.  You might be surprised at who is the most offended at his actions.