You might not be the victim of a terrorist attack, but at some point, someone will need to notify your family members about an illness or a car accident. Make it easier for emergency crews to find your loved ones with these safety precautions.
Lumberton High School in Texas is being criticized over a 9/11 cheerleading routine that some say is offensive and in bad taste.
Since 2002, the cheerleading squad has performed this routine with a tribute to 9/11 featuring audio clips and phone calls from witnesses and other audio sources leading into the song "God Bless America" by Lee Greenwood...
People have called 911 for some pretty silly reasons, but I’m willing to bet this is the first time someone called the emergency number because his girlfriend was being too self-absorbed.
Sometimes you can commemorate an anniversary with a special sale, but when it comes to the anniversary of an attack on our country where thousands of people lost their lives it's best to proceed with caution.
I just read a blog post from KLAQ's Scott Ronson about a plan to fix America written by Robin Williams. I gotta tell ya, I loved every word of the plan and couldn't believe that well known liberal, Williams, actually wrote it.
I wrote a blog yesterday about why I chose to downplay my coverage of the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in my newscasts. Today, all the talk is about how NBC didn't cover the moment of silence held at the White House and in New York, but instead chose to concentrate on Kris Jenner's breasts.
When I woke up this morning, I had to decide what I was going to do by way of remembering 9/11 during my newscasts. It was a hard decision to make, and I got a phone call from a friend telling me I made the wrong one.