It certainly appears that we aren't taking very good care of our teachers.

Image by Eduardo • Subscribe to my YT Channel❤️ from Pixabay
Image by Eduardo • Subscribe to my YT Channel❤️ from Pixabay

Teachers Need Help

A number of Texas school districts have kicked off the school year. This type of thing would never be on my radar, except for the fact that a number of teachers posted their Amazon wish lists online in order to receive a little help. If you're unfamiliar with the phenomenon, the teachers are so desperate for classroom basics that they are turning to their communities for a little support. I have to say, it's a bit embarrassing that the State Of Texas doesn't give teachers what they need to do their jobs.

Teachers Need A Break

On the heels of having to pay and/or plea for supplies comes the news that Texas teachers are the most overworked educators in America. This is certainly not a category that we want to be #1 in.  According to this study, Texas teachers are clocking in about 54.7 hours each week. Interestingly enough, the general public has no idea, thinking that they only work a hair over 40 hours a week. The actual differential is 14.5 hours!

The Rest

Suffice it to say, Texas teachers are not getting rich either. The salaries are so disparate between areas that it's tough to come up with an average, but it's somewhere are $41,000. Many teachers will cough into their coffee at this point because they earn far, far less, but that's the average provided. Interestingly many sources say that teachers make about $19 and change per hour, but one has to ask, is that for the 40 hours people think they work, or for the nearly 55 they actually work.

Final Grade

We are certainly lucky we have any teachers in Texas. Think about this, you have to buy or beg for the bare minimum stuff to do your job, you work 57+ hours a week, your salary sucks, and you have to deal with parents who don't believe that their kid acts like a little heathen all day long. Yes, they chose the profession, but no, we aren't treating teachers properly.

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