Travis Sams a Boonville native, and a USI graduate who has been with WKDQ since 2014. He's also a grilling junkie, fishing fanatic, movie buff, and wrestling enthusiast! For as long as he can remember, he has always said that he wanted to be a part of country music, and is beyond grateful to achive that dream. If Travis is not on air, you can find him spending time with his family, watching wrestling, fishing, eating, or sleeping. But if you catch him out and want to talk about music, movies, fishing, or wrestling, he can do that all day with you!
Travis Sams
This has to be the Weirdest Pumpkin Spice Product Ever!
Pumpkin spice season is upon us and out of all the various pumpkin spice products, this one takes the cake as the weirdest of them all.
Prepare Your Eyes to View The Ugliest Home in America
One Indiana home has been dubbed "The Ugliest Home in America". So, let's find out why.
Waiters are Hilariously Rude at Karen’s Diner in St. Louis
I don't know about you, but this is a dining experience that I have got to visit soon!
Capri Sun Being Recalled Because it May Contain Cleaning Solution
If your children love drinking Capri Sun, you might want to be aware of a nationwide recall of the iconic beverage.
Here’s What Happens When You Call The ‘Stranger Things’ Surfer Boy Pizza Number
Can't get enough of the hit Netflix series, Stranger Things? There's a little Easter egg in the show that you can try for yourself with some pretty cool results.
Life Hack: Hang Bag of Water Over Your Door to Get Rid of Flying Insects
If you have way too many flying insects hanging around your house this summer, this is one life hack that you will definitely want to save!
Police Warn Not To Pick Up Folded $1 Bills From The Ground
Police are warning people not to pick up folded cash off of the ground because of what might be found inside.
Mess-Free Genius Hack To Clean Your Ceiling Fans
This is how we should have been cleaning those dusty ceiling fan blades this whole time!
S’mores and Pickle Flavored MTN Dew Could Be On The Way This Summer
Mountain Dew has released several flavors throughout the years, however, their latest flavor endeavor will have many people asking "why?!"
DIY Tick Repellants To Stay Bite-Free This Summer
You can protect yourself from those dreaded ticks this summer by making your own repellants.
The Disgusting Reason Why You Shouldn’t Use Bathroom Hand Dryers
You should always wash your hands after using the restroom, right? However, if all the public restroom has are hand dryers, you might think twice.
How To Get Photo Evidence That The Easter Bunny Visited Your House
If your kids are excited for the Easter Bunny to come this Sunday, they will be even more excited to see him caught in the act.