As this week heats up, everyone is trying to find ways to stay cool. Make sure you don't forget to keep your pets cool because many people are already upset seeing dogs chained up with no shade in this severe Sun City heat. I stumbled upon a website where they highlighted the importance of taking care of dogs who have always lived tied to a chain.

Now, I totally agree that we need to take care of our furry friends during these hot days. So why hasn't anyone worried about the Horizon City Monster? Rumor has it the creature is basically a Bigfoot-like thing, that feeds on smaller animals. Don't you think that thing is probably suffering in this triple-digit heat?

Also, the photo use for this was drawn by my boyfriend and what we think it looks like.

Cool, huh?

Anyway, I decided to have fun with Horizon City and its constantly growing area. My dream is to move to Horizon because it is closure to El Paso than where I currently live. I've been looking around the area and have a pretty good idea where the creature is at keeping cool this summer.

  • KISS

    Fahrenheit 32

    This is my favorite ice cream place in Horizon City. Fahrenheit 32 serves rolled ice cream that is so addicting The Horizon City Monster can stay cool by eating all the rolled ice cream it can possibly shove down its throat. I would recommend the cereal milk flavor.

  • Thinkstock

    Golden Eagle Park

    I have a feeling this is where the Horizon City Monster actually lives. A park that has a little splash pad for showering seems like the ideal place for a monster.

  • Nicole Riley
    Nicole Riley


    The Horizon City Monster could walk freely around Walmart and people probably wouldn't even be concerned because it is Walmart. They didn't create the "People of Walmart" for no reason. Free refrigerated air is a must when you are a big, hairy monster.

  • Jetta Productions
    Jetta Productions

    Horizon High School

    Since the kids are mostly gone, the Horizon City Monster can easily camp out in the art class. The cafeteria is probably stocked with some kind of snacks it can steal while shooting some hoops in the gym. Any school can be turned into a mansion for a monster if you really think about it.

  • Thinkstock Images
    Thinkstock Images

    Horizon Police Station

    Maybe there is some weird conspiracy theory that the Horizon City Monster is being covered up by the Horizon City Police Department?! Maybe I am creating it right now. I would like to believe it lives there and babysits criminals in its spare time. Either way, he will stay cool camping out in a jail cell.

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