Two moms who say they just can't be quiet anymore about the Donald Trump candidacy, have started a website and a movement to show women how to deal with men who back the billionaire in his run for the White House.

The moms say as long as Trump is in the running, they want women to commit to not dating or sleeping with any man who supports him. On their website, the Vote Trump Get Dumped moms have memes you can save and share 'with abandon,' which means, without needing their permission, so thanks ladies from bloggers like me who usually have to get permission to use any image. The memes are quotes of Trump's about women, but if you create your own sexist Trump quote meme, they urge you to share it with #VOTETRUMPGETDUMPED.

They also encourage women to post a pic on social media platforms with their fingers crossed to mimic legs being crossed because, you know, that's what they want you to do if you have to deal with a guy who wants to vote for Trump.

The women are making national news with their movement. They might not prevent Trump from being the Presidential candidate or sway people from voting for him, but I think it's great that they are throwing their voices into the political fray. Trump's viewpoints across the board are pretty scary, but his views on women are truly frightening. We represent a huge voting block, and really, we need to pay attention to a candidate's words when they come to the female citizens of this country.

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