el paso weekend events

Weekend Events
Weekend Events
Weekend Events
The live horse racing season is underway, plus the ball handling wizardry and comedy of the Harlem Globetrotters, and more. Here's what to do this weekend, January 6-8, 2017.
Weekend Events List
Weekend Events List
Weekend Events List
Four haunted houses and three corn mazes to choose from, plus free movies, music, and more. Here's what to do this weekend, October 7 - October 9, 2016.
What To Do in El Paso
What To Do in El Paso
What To Do in El Paso
Lots of free movies this weekend; on the lawn, in the canyon and at the museum, plus concerts and three corn mazes to choose from. Here's what to do this weekend, September 30-October 2, 2016.
Weekend Events List
Weekend Events List
Weekend Events List
Corn maze and pumpkin patch season gets underway, plus Oktoberfest and more . Here's what to do this weekend, September 23-25, 2016.
Weekend Events List
Weekend Events List
Weekend Events List
An "authentic" Oktoberfest celebration, plus free movies and free concerts. Here's what to do this weekend, September 16-18, 2016.

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