Sun Metro is seeking public input in the naming of the new transfer center in Northeast El Paso.

The Sun Metro Citizen’s Advisory Committee is looking for name suggestions provided by the public with the deadline being Thursday, February 16, 2017.

According to the Sun Metro Citizen’s Advisory Committee the following requirements for name submissions include the following criteria:

  • A nomination form must be submitted to Sun Metro Director Jay Banasiak along with 50 signatures of persons living within Sun Metro’s service area and a full biography of the individual. Submission forms are available at Sun Metro’s administrative offices located at 10151 Montana, or online at
  • The name submitted must already be in use at any other transfer centers.
  • If the proposed name is that of a deceased person, the individual must have been deceased for at least one year, shall have been prominent in El Paso or elsewhere, and demonstrated continued commitment, preferably to public transit, locally, nationally or internationally.
  • If the proposed name is that of a living person, the individual must be extremely prominent in El Paso or elsewhere and have made a worthy and extraordinary contribution, preferably to public transit, locally, nationally or internationally.

For more information about Sun Metro, visit or call 915-212-3333.

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