EVEN ALANIS MORISSETTE WOULD FIND THESE MUGSHOTS IRONIC ...Sometimes irony just smacks you in the face. Like these mugshots and the stories behind them:

1.) This first one is of 19-year-old Matthew Nieveen of Lincoln, Nebraska, who was driving home from a Halloween party and was busted for a DUI. Notice what he's dressed as...

That's right. Matthew's Halloween costume was one of those store-bought breathalyzer costumes.

2.) 25-year-old Elias Sedale Jones of Newport News, Virginia has a tattoo of a DOLLAR SIGN between his eyes. You know what that means: He's got his eyes on his money, playa.
Elias was recently arrested for ... wait for it ... forgery and money laundering! Here's his mugshot. It's not the best quality photo which makes it hard to actually make out the dollar sign on his forehead, so I've taken the liberty of circling it in red ...

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