
MUG SHOT OF THE YEAR CANDIDATE … 20-year-old David Davis of Stamford, Connecticut was getting his MASSIVE 'FRO cut and braided when all of a sudden, for some unexplained reason, he got into a fight with someone halfway through his haircut. David ended up STABBING that man with a pair of scissors. That got him a felony assault charge, and put an abrupt end to his haircut

And his mug shot is HI-larious … Ladies and Gentlemen ... presenting ... The Halfro!!! :


BURGLAR CALLS 911 ON HIMSELF … Timothy Chapek of Portland, Oregon broke into a house Monday night, but not long after, the owner - Hilary Mackenzie - got home. So Timothy PANICKED. He proceeded to lock himself in her bathroom and call 911 ON HIMSELF!!!

 Meanwhile, Hilary was making a 911 call of her own, and from the sound of her call, she wasn't considering Timothy to be too much of a threat.

Timothy was arrested and charged with criminal trespass ...


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