RELATIONSHIP REPORT - AS HEARD ON MIKE AND TRICIA MORNINGS: The Frisky website posted a female blogger's take on romantic gestures that she feels need to go. She appreciates the attempt at romance, but thinks the following gestures aren't as romantic as men seem to think. See what you think ...


· Don't pick me up -- Resist the urge to scoop me up and carry me. It could hurt your back and my feelings.
· Don't throw rose petals all over my bed. I like my bedspread and don't want rose petal stains on it. And then there's cleaning up all the petals ...

· Don't feed me. It's sweet that you want to share your food. But just hand me the fork and I will do it myself.
· Don't climb into the tub when I'm in there. Baths are my time to relax, with only myself and a glass of wine to keep my company.

OK, WE’RE AXING: What romantic gesture(s) do you find annoying?

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