Does putting a hot spoon on a mosquito bite make it stop itching? I tested it to find out.

I recently went to an afternoon party and found myself the main dish for about a dozen mosquitos. Remembering a pin I found on Pinterest, I decided to test out the theory that putting a hot spoon on a mosquito bite would break down the proteins that cause it to itch.

First, I’m pretty allergic to mosquitos. Not in a sense where I’d need an epi-pen, but it stays swollen for a few days. Since I had two legs of bites to test I decided to use one leg for the hot spoon and the other leg for modern medicine.

Does a hot spoon on the leg cure mosquito bites? Answer!

The test:

I placed the spoon in fairly hot water for about 30 seconds then applied to my leg. As promised, after about 20 seconds I could remove the spoon and my leg no longer itched. Was I healed? Hardly. After the discomfort of the hot spoon wore off, I enjoyed about an hour or so of non-itchy legs. By later that day, the itching had returned.

For good measure, I tried the same procedure with a very cold spoon on a few bites. I had a lot of area to work with since I was bitten about 5 million times. The itching wasn’t effected.

On my other leg I applied anti-itch histamine blocking cream. After a few hours, the itching had subtly returned, but was gone again after another thin application.

So what’s the result?

LIES! Put your faith in the medicine. The spoon method was good for a quick fix, but I recommend the anti-itch cream for a more permanent fix.

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