Four People Injured In Dessert Explosion ... Four people were eating dinner at the Ozona Blue Grilling Company in Palm Harbor, Florida, Saturday night and ordered bananas foster for dessert. A banana foster – in case you’re not familiar with it – is a flaming dessert that involves bananas, ice cream, rum, and banana liqueur. In some places, such as Ozona, the servers actually set the fire tableside to make a whole show out of it.


Well, Saturday, the server apparently used too much alcohol and the dessert EXPLODED, injuring all four of the people at the table. Wow. I honestly don't think I could live in a world where our desserts turn against us.


Men Rob a Dunkin' Donuts and Get Away with Only a Bag of Donuts ... Three masked men with knives and a hatchet busted into a Dunkin' Donuts in Hyannis, Massachusetts just as it was closing last week and noticed one of the employees was holding a bag.

Naturally, they assumed it was filled with the cash from the day, so they grabbed the bag without even checking it’s contents and ran off into the night. Unfortunately for the thieves, the bag did not have any cash in it, just some day-old donuts. To add insult to injury, the entire thing was caught by the surveillance camera and all three were tracked down by the po-po in less than 24 hours, and charged with armed robbery.

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