You can add 21-year-old Benjamin Sickles of Washington, Pennsylvania to the list of not-so-bright criminals getting Internet notoriety. Here’s what he did to earn that honor; Sickles broke into a Subway sandwich store Thursday with the intention of robbing the place.


Unfortunately, he wasn’t able bust open the cash register. But rather than just call it a loss, Benjamin settled for stealing nine bags of potato chips. I guess he couldn’t get to the cookies either.

When the cops showed up to investigate, they noticed a trail of chips leading out of the restaurant. Yes, Benjamin had been eating them as he left and didn't notice he was dropping some on his way out. Police followed the trail to Washington High School -- the school Benjamin graduated from three years ago -- and found him sitting on the steps, still eating chips.

He was arrested and charged with burglary, criminal trespass, theft, and criminal mischief. But not littering. Go figure.

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