A Chaparral, New Mexico man is behind bars today charged with several felony charges after breaking into a mobile home and jacking the owner’s extensive collection of midget porn.

18-year-old Sergio Seanez and a 17-year-old friend allegedly broke into the home and stole electronics, kitchen appliances, furniture, and, according to the police report, “multiple DVD’s relating to Midget Pornography” before setting the place on fire. (I'm not sure what’s weirder: the fact that someone owned those DVDs or that someone would want to steal them!)

Police traced the robbery to Sergio, although it’s unclear how they knew it was him, and executed a search warrant at his place where they found all of the stolen items. For what it's worth, the mug shot shows Sergio stands at just a skooch above 5-foot-1 so draw your own conclusions about his love of midget porn from that.

As Heard on Mike and Tricia Mornings:

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