A Man Names His Boat the 'Titanic Two' And It Promptly Sinks ... Mark Wilkinson of Birmingham, England, bought a small cruising boat recently and thought naming it the Titanic Two sounded like a great idea. So he did. And wouldn’t you know it, during one of his first trips out on the water it promptly SANK.


 Apparently it sprung a major leak in the hull – not caused by an iceberg, by the way - and went down. Mark had to abandon ship but was able to swim to shore.

 Thief Breaks Into Car and Steals a Bag Full of Anti-Crime Pamphlets ... An unidentified man broke into a car in Palm Bay, Florida the other day and stole a carry-on luggage bag from inside. Unbeknownst to him at the time, the suitcase contained anti-crime pamphlets and literature. The car and the materials in the suitcase belonged to a woman who works for a nonprofit that tries to keep at risk teens out of jail so all the thief really got were articles about people in prison, letters from prisoners, and stories about people in prison. Perhaps God is trying to tell the thief something?

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