April 1 is widely recognized as a day when the creative and wicked play practical jokes and hoaxes on those deemed the most gullible in their life, then mocked incessantly for being so naïve. So we asked who listening fooled or got fooled. 

Lynette called in and told us how her husband had her believing he’d lost his job! But that's cool, she got even with him after he got home. Listen to her tell us about her April Fools Day …

Robin Morales McCarthy took to Facebook to try and fool her friends. She hit up our Facebook wall to tell us about it. “I [told] my Facebook friends…I was pregnant and even posted a picture of a positive pregnancy test,” she wrote. “Most caught on quickly but there were a few who still think it's true. Gave me a good laugh.” It took Terry’s husband years, but he finally got her yesterday. He actually had Terry believing her truck had been stolen!  …

JUST ASKING: Were you a victim of an April Fools hoax or did you perpetrate one? How'd you fool or get fooled? Tell us about below.

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