"La Jeff" alumni have brought back the Mardi Gras Dance with cocktails, dancing, GREAT Memories, and headlining is Little Joe Y La Familia!  This event has moved from March to October and as they SAY once a FOX always A FOX!

The history of Thomas Jefferson High started before World Ward II when El Pasoans started voicing the need of a secondary school near Burleson Elementary.  So with Bowie, El Paso, and Austin High filling up and making it harder to find space for students in a growing El Paso, the school board decided to construct a NEW high school at 4700 Alameda the former site of Burleson Elementary and the rest was HISTORY!!!!

So every Jeff EX and EVERYONE in the 915 is too, to celebrate the history and pride of La Jeff, Friday, October 27 at 5pm at the EL Paso County Coliseum...tixs, participation and all the deets get with Jenny Robles at 915-540-5161.  Oh, and if you are or know someone that was a former Mardi Gras Queen for La Jeff call the number above to be part of the biggest party EVER!

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