If your child is a middle schooler in the El Paso Independent School District, district officials want to find out if you want them to start their school day later than they do right now.

The district is going to send out surveys to parents to get feedback on whether middle schoolers should go in 30 minutes to one hour later than their current start time of 7:45 a.m. A few weeks back, the district cited a national study that says later school start times improve student performance when they announced that they were looking at changing start times.

EPISD might also consider changing elementary and high school start times in the future, but officials say they will ask for public input before they make any start time changes.

The good news about all these potential changes is it doesn't look like it will cost taxpayers any extra money. The district says they will be able to reschedule bus routes to accommodate any changes in start times without affecting the budget.

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