El Paso City Council wants local construction firms to work on local building projects, so today, they enacted the "Hire El Paso First" policy. If you are a local construction firm, you want to attend a meeting that can help you get more work from the City.

More Work For El Paso Construction Firms

Council put a similar policy in place earlier this year for purchasing, and this new policy will ensure that more local construction dollars will stay in El Paso, instead of going to out-of-town firms.

If you are a local construction firm, and you want to be eligible for this new program, you have to register your firm on the Hire El Paso First page at home.elpasotexas.gov. Firms that aren't registered will not be eligible under this policy.

All the details about the policy are on the City's website, but if you want to get hands on information about the new policy, you need to attend this forum:

What: Hire El Paso First Forum
Where: 2401 E. Missouri Ave.
When: Wednesday, September 3rd, 9 a.m.

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