Did you know that there is a City ordinance that says you are responsible for maintaining your property? From the City's website:

Grass, weeds or uncultivated plants should not be allowed to become overgrown. Remember, maintenance of vegetation in parkways and alleys is the property owner's responsibility.
(El Paso Municipal Code 9.04.860)

There's even an Environmental Nuisance team that goes out to "proactively respond to concerns received directly from citizens", according to the team's page on the City website. The City came up with a cute little cartoon graphic that reminds you to be a good neighbor and keep your property neat and tidy. The graphic also says that you should mow your grass and weeds regularly.

The City is very good about telling you how to keep your property looking its best, and if you don't they can even fine you. It's a shame that there is an entire stretch of City-owned property that isn't being maintained. As a matter of fact, the median on McRae Blvd. that runs from Montana to the freeway in the Eastwood High School area looks like it has been abandoned by the City.

Here are a couple of pictures I snapped on Thursday afternoon:

1. You see all the green stuff? Those are weed bushes that are at least a 1 1/2 feet high. If the City lets them grow a little more, they could trim them and they could become part of the landscaping. The sad, dry, brown bush is actually a part of the landscaping. It clearly needs some water and some pruning:

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

2. This attractive stretch of median is in front of Scotsdale Elementary School. Hundreds of people drive this stretch of road every day. It's pretty embarrassing, no, City Hall? Yes. It is:

Patricia Martinez
Patricia Martinez

I would love to say that the City had something to say about this situation, but I couldn't reach anyone for comment. I tried to call the Environmental Services offices and the 3-1-1 information number so I could leave a message, but their voicemail box is full. I guess the don't clean that out, either.

I did reach my City rep, Cassandra Hernandez, by email. Her office assured me two weeks ago that something would be done to clean up the McRae median, but all that happened was the weeds got higher.

Hopefully seeing this mess on a website will spur the City to get off their butts and clean up this median. We are paying taxes for this type of thing, you know?

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