If you're playing Pokémon Go and trying to catch 'em all, why not help preserve one of our historic landmarks in your pursuit of the animated characters?

A local paranormal group is hoping the new cell phone game that's quickly taken over some El Pasoan's lives will help with the upkeep and restoration of Concordia Cemetery.

In case you've been out of touch with current events in the last few weeks, Pokémon Go is the latest rage. The virtual game takes you on a real-life scavenger hunt to actual places so you can find and collect the virtual characters. One of those real-life places in El Paso is Concordia Cemetery.

So, in an effort to minimize trespassing and unintended damage of the hallowed grounds, and as a fundraising way to help players catch 'em all, the Paso Del Norte Paranormal Society will be hosting a Pokémon Go Ghost Tour this Friday, July 22, at the historic cemetery.

That night, you will have a chance to collect as many Pikachus, Squirtles, and Ghost-type Pokémon as you can at the eternal resting place for the likes of John Wesley Hardin and numerous Buffalo Soldiers outside of normal business hours.

According to the event page, there are at least 3 Pokéstops at the historical cemetery. For $15 you can locate, catch, battle and trade the virtual characters from 9 to 11 p.m. while learning about the history and lore of Concordia.

For more information, and to reserve a spot on the Pokémon Go Ghost Tour, visit the Paso Del Norte Facebook events page.

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